Monday, April 08, 2013


It was another late morning by the brook, when I suddenly decided to slow down along my walk on that oft-trodden lonely path of pale grass and pebbles, that meandered its way through waist-high wild flowers and bushy green down to the patch of dampness that flanked the flowing stream... 

As if I was expecting somebody to catch up with me, somebody with little feet and little paces.. With eyes as sad as a lonely violin, and lips pursed up and quivering, as he would say nothing, reveal nothing....

Deja vu?

I saw him there, caressing the petals of wild flowers in a dense thicket of a serene green and shy yellow. I knew those eyes (but did he know mine?) I knew the gentle sadness behind those eyes, one that came from the lonely world of a dreamy prince. The colours and the magic, the princes and the fairies of that world never fitted into the scheme of things that he saw everyday in a busy city life that went on, a life which, he knew, would never show interest in the mystery of his magic princedom, no matter how much he dreamt.

Yes he did not know me, he didn't recognize my eyes that locked gaze with his.. His dreams had taken him here, into the lazy idyll of a streaming brook and the banks of green bushes and shy flower colours that stretched by its sides. He had come here so that I would look into his eyes, and feel, and remember, and ponder in the silent slow hours that I would spend, seated on its damp earthy banks...

moments flowed by..And then it was as if I knew I had seen enough, and as if he knew his job was done... He walked away, looking down on his shadow that guarded the pebbles into a delight of cool shadowy respite because the midday sun was a little behind his back...

Tomorrow he would come again and perhaps sit in my shadow as he would look across at the opposite bank..and the stream would flow in its own rhythm of fluid notes.

But that would be tomorrow. I would have plenty to remember and think about....

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