Saturday, April 13, 2013


"For bringing in Vintage feat,
At just the time I needed it,
I know nothing if the question is mine
About Etiquette and all and Vintage wine,
But drink Vintage I love to do,
And just like the King
I enjoy The Vintage too.."

I, being an avid reader, often wandered in the world of books - the best dope for the introvert, quiet boy to hide into, to avoid the real world, to spend more time in the realm of dreams, & self-constructed fantasy world.

From a very early age I made a stupid set of "readers' rules", for myself, perhaps to increase my devotion, surrendering to the 'feet' to The World of Letters, and pray that more and more books, let not books fly away from my world ; (now I know that it was 'bribery' that I had sinned by.)

But I learnt the ceremonial acts watching my mother, as she would try to create an air of sacrosanct auspice, surrendering herself to the feet of her deity (or whatever represented the divine core that she payed allegiance to). (now I know that she had sinned of bribery too)

Coming back to the subject of this discussion, I would make my "rules of reading" quite strict to which i've been faithful all along.

One section of the queer legislation demanded if I'm reading a good book, I should be a faithful reader, and not get distracted - My juvenile idea of respect for books.

The first time I read the lines - I confess that I broke that "rule of faith" and that my eager perusal had a selfish motive. With every tingle of satiety that words provided, I thought of these eyes, and myself, sneaking out to remember my daughter, and not the gratification in a world where gentle words make rainbow colours and brittle notes of melody.

But the second perusal (which, I suspect, might be hosting Greed demanding Need-- maybe I wanted to commit the same sin again, escaping to hope for a reverie which shall be graced by my princess).
But this time Yeats had me on the mat.

Now that is what you call Sweet Surrender.

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